
Established Fencers 16+

Young Fencers 11-16

Our Introductory Course 16+
Welcome!  Come Visit!

CdA is a "not for profit" club run by a committee of its members who give their time freely for the betterment of fencing and their love of the sport. There are competitive fencers at the club (including some Internationals) but the general atmosphere on club nights is one of encouragement and respect. Any rivalries that might surface are usually resolved over a post-piste beer!

As a club Registered with British Fencing, we subscribe to the Policies and Guidelines (particularly in respect of Safeguarding, Safety and Diversity) published on the British Fencing website.

Our Intoduction to Fencing Course

...runs for 10 weeks and costs £150. It covers the basics of movement and actions of offence/defence and simple tactics.

We provide all the neccessary equipment but you are welcome to bring your own if you have it (NB we reserve the right to forbid the use of your own kit if we feel it is not up to standard). All you bring is gym clothes and enthusiasm. NOTE: Sweat pants or Jogging bottoms, please; jeans or shorts are not appropriate.

Anyone engaged in fencing must (for insurance reasons) be a member of British Fencing (the National Governing body). They provide a 90 day membership, free of charge, which can be activated here.